Şirket ürünleri birdal steel doors
birdal steel doors Şirket Biyografisi
Genel bilgiler
Birdal Group Companies; - In 1975, started its life with food and groceries in Kayseri / Argıncık Wholesalers Site and has obtained a firm place in the market in a short time with the services it provides to its customers. - In 1982, has increased acceleration with the inclusion of the new generation. - In 1987, has taken the first steps towards becoming a corporate entity. - In 1990, as the Board of Directors has decided to specialization in the field, then started filling sunflower oil with...
20 cade kayseri
- Çalışma saatleri
Pazartesi:8:00 - 18:00Salı:8:00 - 18:00Çarşamba:8:00 - 18:00Perşembe:8:00 - 18:00Cuma:8:00 - 18:00Cumartesi:8:00 - 13:00
- Phone numbers
- Web Siteleri
- Kuruluş yılı
- 1975
- Faaliyet formu
- ,
- Kategoriler
- üretici
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